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Where are you with recycling. I do my bit, albeit reluctantly. I'm not a 'green' enthusiast at all and can't help thinking there's a con in there somewhere. I remember watching a TV programme where we shipped so much plastic to China, it ended up in the China sea. Dumped.

I had a thought the other day. Councils are coming down hard on us to is making the money?
Anyone remember Francis Lee (and the notorious fight with Norm that got them both sent off ) but that's not what I'm getting at here.
Francis Lee set up a waste paper business.....he sold it for £8.3m in 1984 making himself a nice cool £6m from other people's waste paper. Now, here's my point. Someone, somewhere is raking in thousands, maybe millions from our recycled waste....the thing is, everything we recycle is ours, bought and paid for. So, should the councils etc pay us for our cardboard, foil, paper etc.....after all, its ours, we bought it along with the fruit and veg, meats, ready meals, that they came wrapped in. Why should we just give these things away, for free because the councils say so. Should they pay us for what we've already forked out for. Or should we just has over what we've paid for free of charge to them so they can make millions out of us.....?