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Missouri Must Vote Against Amendment 3, Which Allows Abortions Up to Birth


Today, the Missouri Supreme Court ruled that Amendment 3 will remain on the November ballot. The amendment would allow abortions up to birth and overturn the state’s pro-life laws protecting unborn babies.

Last Friday, in the challenge to the Certification of Amendment 3 for the November ballot, Cole County Judge Christopher Limbaugh, found that the proponents of Amendment 3 “…purposely decided not to include even the most basic statutes that would be repealed, at least in part, by Amendment 3”. Judge Limbaugh found that the failure to disclose was “… in blatant violation of the sufficiency requirements…” under Missouri statutes.

Based on that decision and further review of the qualifications for certification, yesterday, September 9th, Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, removed Amendment 3 from the ballot.

Today, the Missouri Supreme Court reversed Judge Limbaugh’s decision and ordered the Secretary of State to take steps necessary to ensure that Amendment 3 be on the November ballot. The opinions of the justices were not available at the time of this press release.

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Susan Klein, Executive Director of Missouri Right to Life, urged all Missuroresidents ot reject the Amendment.

We are extremely disappointed in this decision. Essentially, the decision of the court tells anyone, present or future, working to advance any initiative petition in the State of Missouri that its ok to not be transparent with the public, its ok to violate the legal requirements that are in place to protect the voters and tax payers of Missouri so that they know what they are signing and know what they are voting for or against on election day.

We, at Missouri Right to Life, will continue to inform the voters of the extreme nature of Amendment 3, that if passed, it would legalize abortion through all 9 months of pregnancy, overturn our parental consent law, our informed consent law and every statute we have protecting mothers and babies.  It will, in fact, also give a special legal exception to abortion providers that is not allowed for any other medical personnel.

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