News in English

Argus and Patriot from Montpelier, Vermont

Summary of News Caleb Baynard, of Berrin county, is New York under the observation of medical experts, who are interested in his evolution from negro to white man. Baynard was born black. Fourteen months ago a white spot appeared on his scalp, and since then some mysterious force has been turning him into 8 white skinned man. Portions of his body are as white as those of any white person, and experts who have made a study of his remarkable case believe that within short time no evidence will remain of his former color. His hair has also turned white, and his change in color has wrought facial features and expressions akin to white WATERBURY WEAVINGS.J.A. Carpenter is ill with grip. C. N. Arms was in town last Monday.Jacob Foss is very Ill with pneumonia. H. C. Whitehill was in Middlesex last Friday. George W.Atkins is still confined to his house. Dr. W. F. Minard was in Burlington on Tuesday.Dr. L. M. Bingham and wite were in town last Saturday. Mra.C. D. Robinson and son are at home f...