Marin social scene: St. Vincent de Paul’s welcome party in San Rafael
St. Vincent de Paul Society of Marin held a welcome party for Debi Geller, its new community engagement manager, on Aug. 27. The free event, which took place at St. Vincent de Paul’s dining room in San Rafael, was attended by more than 85 people, including Suzanne Swift, of Belvedere; Kathleen Woodcock, of Greenbrae; Randy Chapman, of San Anselmo; and Brian Cardinale, Debi Geller, San Rafael Councilmember Rachel Kertz, Denise Lucy, Christine Paquette, St. Vincent de Paul Society of Marin’s executive director, Gary Phillips, Melissa Prandi and Marin County Supervisor Mary Sackett, all of San Rafael.
If you have news about the fundraising and benefit scene in Marin County or about an event that just took place, email Please send high-resolution (300 dpi, 2 MB) JPG photos no later than 9 a.m. on the Monday immediately following your event. Please identify the names and towns of everyone in each photo (from left), and give us a photo credit for the photographer. Please tell us how much money your organization raised and how many people attended your event.