Jay Bilas Lays Out Some Truth For This Year’s Duke Team
And provides some continuity and connection with the history, tradition and values of the program.
As he points out early in this video, Jay Bilas has been out of a Duke uniform for a long time: he graduated in 1986, which is nearly 40 years ago.
He’s been with ESPN forever of course and he’s really good at being fair, which you can tell because everyone basically respects him and almost no one feels obliged to point out that he’s a former Blue Devil.
That’s not easy to do, given the strong feelings Duke Basketball engenders.
He comes back from time to time, as he does here, to speak to the team about what it means to be a part of Duke Basketball and how it can change your life.
In the Duke universe, Mike Krzyzewski stands alone as a truly inspiring public speaker but Bilas is really not that far behind him. He organizes his thoughts well and he has the team hanging on his every word.
Even if you’re not a Duke fan, you’ll enjoy this. And if you are a Duke fan, which most of you are, you’ll really love it.