You have 20/20 vision if you can spot the fresh fruit hidden in the filthy kitchen in under 8 seconds
A SEEK-AND-FIND puzzle may sharpen the skills needed to find a quick snack that satisfies cravings.
Try your best to spot the fresh fruit – and see if you’d have to stay hungry or clean the filthy kitchen to cook a meal.
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They were inspired to make a brainteaser following research that shows over a quarter of students miss home-cooked meals more than their family and friends.
Anyone would lose their appetite looking at the artwork.
It shows plates full of rotting food, dirty pans, and overflowing trash bags, while a bowl of fresh fruit is hidden in plain sight.
You’ll need 20/20 vision to spot it in eight seconds or less.
How quickly can you solve the challenge?
Use a timer to put yourself to the test against the clock.
It’s difficult to know where to start looking for the fresh fruit with half-eaten watermelon and banana peels scattered across the floor.
The colorful stains on the wall draw attention upward, but don’t mistake the fruit on the windowsill for being fresh.
The basket of rotting foods placed on the dining chairs is also a strategic distraction.
Here’s a hint: Look closely at the bottom right of the optical illusion image.
If you’re struggling to spot the fresh fruit, zoom into the area next to the trash bags.
Have you found the bowl of fresh fruit?
Once you’re ready to check your answer, scroll down to the solution.
A bowl of fresh fruit can be spotted among the trash bags closest to the oven.
Spin Genie UK recently stumped puzzlers with a challenge inspired by everyone’s favorite summer snack.
Can you spot the five ice cream cones hidden in the park?
You’ll need to give your full focus to the brainteaser to solve it in under 22 seconds.
It’s easy to spot the two food trucks because of their large size, but surprisingly none of the workers are selling ice cream cones.
Here’s a clue: One person is enjoying their ice cream cone sitting on a bench.
If you’re struggling to find the others, look at the people closest to the other bench in the artwork.
Once you’ve found all five ice cream cones scroll down to the solution below to check your answer.
A boy is holding an ice cream cone on the left, while on the opposite side of the brainteaser, two parents are also enjoying ice cream cones.
The two remaining cones are being eaten by people relaxing on the grass also on the right of the image.
UK-based financial service SunLife put observation skills to the test with a mind-bender inspired by healthy eating.
Can you find the block of cheese among the other foods?
At first glance, the artwork seems to show a pattern of oranges, pears, lemons, and strawberries.
The bright color of the melons and bananas also plays tricks on the eyes.
Many people have failed to beat the 15-second record to solve the challenge.
When you’re ready to give up searching for the block of cheese scroll down to find out where it was hidden.
Benefits of brainteasers and optical illusions
Researchers have developed many tests to show how various brain regions react to brainteasers and optical illusions. There are many benefits.
- They are not only entertaining, but they also shed light on how our brains interpret visual data.
- By giving your brain a little workout regularly, you enhance your ability to focus and observe details.
- Studies have shown people who regularly challenge themselves with optical illusions and puzzles see big improvements in their problem-solving skills, concentration, and attention.
- Improved concentration and attention span can help prevent cognitive decline in old age.
- Optical illusions can improve eyesight by allowing you to see small print.