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Family’s beloved pet dog put down after being crushed by ‘Amazon parcel hurled by driver’


A FAMILY’S pet dog had to be put down after being crushed by an Amazon parcel allegedly hurled by a driver.

Seven-year-old labradoodle Bailey was hit with a box containing a bulky pair of Hush Puppies shoes.

Owner Rachel Belton with the family’s pet dog Bailey
Seven-year-old labradoodle Bailey was hit with a box containing a bulky pair of Hush Puppies shoes
Rachel could not afford £5,000 vet bills and was advised to have Bailey put down before asking the police to investigate

The driver was said to have laughed and shrugged as Bailey yelped in pain and ran indoors dragging its leg.

Owner Rachel Belton, 46, could not afford £5,000 vet bills and was advised to have Bailey put down before asking the police to investigate.

Rachel said of the July 2 incident: “I was inside and I heard a man calling ‘delivery’ and I shouted, ‘I’m coming’.

“Within seconds I heard Bailey let out a terrible noise, like a scream.

“My children rushed downstairs and Bailey limped on to the sofa.

“I said to the man, ‘What did you do to my dog?’

“He was laughing and said he had just put the parcel over the gate but it was in the garden ten feet away.

“It was obvious it had been thrown. I said so but he shrugged and walked away.”

Bailey suffered a fractured hip and leg.

The family raised £2,000 from an appeal but were later told the bill would be nearer £5,000.

Rachel added: “I will never forget my daughter screaming at the window as we took Bailey to be put to sleep.”

The mum of three, from Bristol, claims a neighbour saw the driver throw the parcel at Bailey.

She wants damages from Amazon and its claims firm ARC.

Amazon said it was investigating the driver, who is believed to be a freelance.

Rachel said: Rachel added: ‘I will never forget my daughter screaming at the window as we took Bailey to be put to sleep’