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The devil went down to Arlington


The devil went down to Arlington

Looking for some votes to steal

He was in a bind, polls had him behind

And he was willing to make a deal

He came across this younger gal

Sneering, it made him hot

The devil jumped up at a rally and said

Girl, let me tell you what

I guess you didn’t know it but I’m a politician too

And if you care

To take a dare

I’ll make a bet with you

Now you got pretty good game face girl

But give the devil his due

I’ll bet shoes of gold against your soul

Cuz I think I’m blacker than you

The girl said my name’s Kamala

And it might be a sin

But I’ll take your bet

And you’re gonna regret

Cuz America’s sick of you

To commemorate Labor Day, Donald Trump took his campaign crew to the graves of recently fallen American heroes at Arlington National Cemetery, those suckers and losers whose bone spurs did not exempt them from service.

Federal law prohibits all political campaign stunts on such sacred hallowed ground: "Memorial services and ceremonies at Army National Military Cemeteries will not include partisan political activities."

There is no provision in the law for families to waive, bend or modify its terms. Team Trump says the families “invited” his crew to take photos at the graves. But A., families can’t waive federal law; B., they didn’t invite him to post the videos on social media; C. they didn’t authorize him to smile like an idiot over other fallen soldier’s graves; and D. it wouldn’t matter even if they did; see clause A.

If Trump’s grinning “thumbs up” photo by a dead soldier’s grave looks bad, Trump posting it all over social media looks illegal. And it goes from bad to worse. When an Army cemetery employee tried to intervene, she was shoved by a member of Trump’s team and belittled as having “mental health” issues. Apparently, the mere suggestion that federal law applies to Trump deserves its own DSM category…

Today Trump is saying the Harris campaign made the whole story up. And yet, The Trump team claims they have video footage of the non-story, to prove the Army employee wasn’t shoved. If that were true, Trump would have blasted the video all over the internet by now.

Most of all, how can Trump blame the Vice President for the withdrawal from Afghanistan when he’s the one who negotiated with the Taliban instead of the Afghan government, then reduced U.S. troops from 10,000 down to 2,500 without consulting military experts, leaving the withdrawal chaotic and understaffed?

It looks like Trump deliberately sabotaged America’s peaceful withdrawal and is now banking on America’s short memory to blame it, Harris.

The devil better pick up the phone and call Raffensperger early, those 11,000 votes aren’t going to find themselves.

Sabrina Haake is a columnist and 25 year litigator specializing in 1st and 14th Amendment defense. Her Substack, The Haake Take, is free.