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Training: On the Ball


Ball exercises on land develop balance and strength that  transfer to your technique on the water. Here are two exercises to incorporate into your program:

The sitting balance exercise is performed on the inflatable therapy ball that you find in your gym. Select a size that allows you to sit on the ball with your hips square and thighs parallel to the floor so there’s a 90-degree angle behind your knees.

Keep your movements slow and controlled. Focus on maintaining a firm core and lower back. Sit up tall on the ball, place both feet on the floor. With your eyes looking straight ahead, extend your arms out to the side at shoulder height. During the exercise, keep your upper body quiet and shoulders level.

Raise one foot off the floor, straighten out your leg, and keep your balance for a count of 20. Balance with the lower body only. Maintain a quiet upper body, shoulders level. Now try the other leg for a count of 20.

Once you’ve mastered balancing with one leg off the ground, it’s time to balance with both legs raised—parallel to the floor—as you would sit in the boat. Again, focus on your center of gravity, keeping your hips square to balance on the ball. Work up to a count of 20. Repeat three times.

The seated rock-back is a dynamic core exercise to strengthen the transition from the finish position to the recovery. Sit on the ball with your back straight, pelvis in neutral, arms crossed on your chest or placed behind your head, chin tucked in.

Engage your lower abdominals by drawing your belly button inward and activating your pelvic-floor muscles. Maintain steady abdominal breathing while you lean back into the finish position, then return to the sitting position. Your feet must stay planted on the floor firmly just as you would stay connected to your foot stretcher at the release.

Begin with three sets of 12 repetitions and build up to three sets of 20 repetitions.

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