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Speeding May Be More Dangerous Than You Realize


Almost everyone is guilty of speeding at least once, even if it’s unintentional. Speed limits can abruptly change and you may not have time to slow down. Some speed limit changes aren’t easily apparent. You may be speeding without realizing your mistake. 

While these are innocent mistakes, some drivers simply can’t follow the posted speed limit, and this is leading to an alarming rise in speed-related traffic accidents in Nevada. Speeding can result in more than a traffic ticket, and this reckless behavior can also cause a serious accident.

The Inherent Dangers of Speeding

Authorities are always looking for ways to get drivers to slow down. Speed traps can be effective but this solution is limited in scope. Drivers may learn to slow down around the speed trap, but they’re often hitting the gas the minute they pass the police officer. 

Doubling fines for speeding in certain areas like school zones and construction sites is another way authorities are trying to get motorists to slow down. Unfortunately, this solution has the same limitations as a speed trap. Drivers are only slowing down for a couple of miles or so.

Speeding is a particular problem in Clark County. In 2024, Clark County and the greater Las Vegas metro area reported a 39% increase in fatalities caused by speeding. Fatalities involving cyclists and pedestrians also increased between 2024 and 2023. The number of fatalities rose by a little over 18%. So, what makes speeding so dangerous for the vehicle driver, other motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists?

Reduces the Effectiveness of Vehicle Safety Systems

Newer model vehicles are designed to better withstand crashes without the frame buckling. The impact technology is usually present in the vehicle’s front and on both sides. If you’re involved in a head-on or side-impact collision, the vehicle’s safety technology works to help minimize the severity of your injuries. This also applies to any passengers in your vehicle.

Other safety features include seatbelts and airbags. Both are designed to help reduce the force generated by a collision. However, vehicle safety features have limits. Being involved in a collision at a high rate of speed can make these safety systems less effective. 

Seatbelts can cause contusions and even airbags can’t adequately minimize the force generated by a high-speed crash. Even reinforced metal frames can still crumple when hit by a speeding vehicle.

Injuries are More Severe

The force generated by the impact of a speeding vehicle tends to result in serious injuries. Speeding accidents are also more likely to cause a fatality than collisions when all involved vehicles are following all traffic laws.

Your body isn’t designed to withstand being hit with a significant force, like the one caused by a speeding vehicle. Broken bones, contusions, and even traumatic spine and brain injuries can occur when speed is a factor in the accident.

Nevada Roads Aren’t Designed for Speed

Yes, Nevada has plenty of highways, and some seem perfect for speeding. You have a flat stretch of open road that seems to be encouraging you to hit the gas. 

While flying down the highway can be exhilarating, Nevada’s aren’t exactly designed for speed. Some of the roads aren’t in the best condition, and others have plenty of curves and go over mountains and hills.

The closer you get to Las Vegas, the more dangerous it is to speed. Traffic tends to be heavier the closer you get to cities like Las Vegas and Reno. If you’re speeding, it can be difficult to stop in time to avoid hitting the lead vehicle. Flying around curves can cause you to lose control of your vehicle. Even a single car wreck at a high rate of speed can result in devastating injuries.

Steps to Take If You’re Involved in an Accident with a Speeding Driver

Even though speeding is dangerous and illegal, drivers still feel the need to punch the gas. If you’re involved in a speed-related accident, you may be able to recover compensation for your damages. 

What you do immediately after the accident can impact your ability to recover compensation. To help ensure your rights are protected, you should plan on following a few simple steps.

Immediately Report the Accident

Since speed is a contributing factor to the accident, you should immediately report the collision to the authorities, which is also state law if any injuries or fatalities are present. Reporting the accident also means remaining at the scene until the authorities arrive. Be ready to answer a few questions about the accident and provide proof of insurance.

All motorists with vehicles registered in Nevada must carry at least the state’s minimum insurance requirements—there aren’t any exceptions. As you’re answering questions about the accident, don’t go into detail or ever admit fault. This means not apologizing for the accident, even if you’re clearly not the liable driver. 

The authorities often include any statements in the accident report. The at-fault party’s insurance provider can use anything you say to try and reduce the value of your personal injury claim.

Visit a Healthcare Provider

If your injuries aren’t severe enough to warrant an ambulance ride to the hospital, this doesn’t mean you can go home and wait for your injuries to heal. Even a minor contusion caused by a seatbelt or airbag can be a sign of a more serious internal injury. There’s no reason to take chances with your health, especially after being involved in a speed-related traffic accident.

You’re also going to need medical documentation if you’re planning on filing a personal injury claim. In other words, you can’t show up with your arm in a cast and claim the injury is caused by the speeding accident. 

You’re going to need to prove your injuries are directly caused by the accident. Your medical records can provide proof, along with any bills, receipts, and even filled prescription forms.

Don’t Pursue Getting Compensation Alone

Even with an accident report and medical records in hand, you may still have problems proving a personal injury claim. 

To help ensure you can receive compensation for your damages, it’s usually best to work with an experienced personal injury attorney. From proving the other driver was speeding to collecting evidence, your attorney can help you prove your claim to the insurance company. 

The post Speeding May Be More Dangerous Than You Realize appeared first on Auto Service World.