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'Absolutely bananas': Criticism that Harris is 'too prepared' hit with backlash


After President Joe Biden ended his reelection campaign and formally endorsed Kamala Harris for president, it didn't take Democratic leaders in Congress and the Democratic National Committee long to rally around the vice president.

According to reporting from the Washington Post, more than 300 former staffers signed a letter in support of her after Biden exited the race. But some of them, the report claims, "acknowledged it also addressed one of Harris' perceived weaknesses as a candidate and elected official: her demanding management style."

"People who have worked for Harris say her interactions with staff can resemble a prosecutor prying details from a witness, asking pointed questions about everything from her schedule to policy briefings," Diamond and Wootsen explain. "And her cautious approach to big decisions has frustrated deputies rather than inspired them."

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Former Harris aides interviewed by the Post described her as extremely meticulous.

One of them commented, "It's stressful to brief her, because she's read all the materials, has annotated it and is prepared to talk through it." And another told the Post, "You can’t come to the vice president and just ask her to do something. You need to have a why.”

Leah Greenberg, co-executive director of Indivisible Team, finds those comments "bananas."

In a post on X Friday, Greenberg said of those quotes, "This is an absolutely bananas complaint to have about the Vice President of the United States."

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Greenberg, in a separate tweet, wrote, "Yes, it is reasonable for the VP to expect you to share the rationale for what you're asking her to do and answer follow-up questions, what are we even doing here."

Author Dr. Linda Cureton said of the Post's reporting on Harris, "So, they don't like her because she is smart and prepared. Additionally, not much gets past her. One cannot baffle her with….. I've been there and done that."

Journalist Fawad Hasnain posted, "Wait, so the complaint is that she’s *too* prepared? That’s wild! Isn't that what we’d want in a VP — someone who knows their stuff and asks the tough questions?"

Former Village Voice columnist Michael Musto commented, "It's actually a fabulous endorsement."

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Read the Washington Post's full report at this link (subscription required).