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The Manchurian by Way of Minnesota Candidate


When Tim Walz met with supporters at a Lancaster, Pennsylvania, campaign office on Wednesday, a Harris–Walz staffer instructed reporters to “not disrupt” him when an impertinent one in their ranks dared ask a question.

“Walz is not taking questions from the media while here,” Fox43’s Alyssa Kratz reported. “We were also not allowed to put microphones up by Gov. Walz while he was speaking.”

Microphones nevertheless picked up that Walz addressed local Democrats in English and not Mandarin Chinese.

It’s not as though the vice presidential nominee needed to travel to all the way to China to learn to treat reporters as children better seen and not heard. But he surely absorbed by osmosis the folkways of Chinese politicians vis-à-vis the press on his many visits to the Middle Kingdom.

Walz first traveled to China 35 years ago around the time of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Despite it serving as a mostly peaceful protest, Chinese officials did not treat it with the indifference initially shown by Walz toward the violent George Floyd riots in Minneapolis four years ago. The Chinese Communists murdered an unknown number of protesters that certainly number in the hundreds and perhaps reach well into the thousands.

Walz needn’t have stood in front of a tank in solidarity. Efforts short of that, such as canceling his visit, would have made for a decent gesture. His decision to enter China to teach English rather than stay home rankles critics of the Communist regime all these years later.

“As the events were unfolding, several of us went in,” he explained in 2014. He remembers leaving for China from free Hong Kong with locals “very angry that we would still go after what had happened.”

Walz estimated in 2016 that he had returned to China about 30 times since (he does not indicate whether he ever visited the Republic of Taiwan). He led annual student trips to the Communist nation. Students there nicknamed him “Fields of China” for his kindness. Walz accepted gifts from his hosts, relied on Chinese government subsidies for the cultural exchange trips he led for over a decade, and reportedly instructed students to “downplay their American-ness.”

Walz married on the fifth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. His wife reasoned, “He wanted to have a date he’ll always remember.” He honeymooned in China with his wife.

“This has all the hallmarks of a close association with the CCP,” explains Peter Schweizer, whose bestselling books detail the corruption of U.S. politicians by Chinese money, adding that:

[Walz] gave a speech in 2019 to a known front group that’s linked to Chinese intelligence. We also know that when he was inaugurated as governor of Minnesota, he invited Chinese diplomats to attend those events. And then you’ve got the issue of these Chinese police stations that we’ve heard about. … These illegal police stations are designed to intimidate Chinese nationals in the United States, one of them is in the Twin Cities, and it’s actually run by an entity that is allied with something called Minnesota Global, which is a pro-Walz organization.

It’s not as though the Chinese Communists do not utilize prominent American political figures as assets. Just ask Eric Swalwell. This week, the Justice Department unsealed an indictment against Linda Sun, who worked for New York Govs. Andrew Cuomo and Kathy Hochul for over a decade. She and her husband allegedly received millions of dollars, jobs for family members, tickets to events, and even duck specially prepared by the chef of a Chinese government official. In exchange, Sun allegedly blocked Empire State officials from meeting with representatives of the Taiwanese government, engineered a bizarre tweet from Cuomo thanking the Chinese, of all people, for their help in combatting COVID, and attempted to facilitate a trip for a prominent, unnamed New York politician to China.

Yes, the Communists seem eager for American politicians to embark on Potemkin Village junkets to China. Tim Walz knows this better than most.


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The post The Manchurian by Way of Minnesota Candidate appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.