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My wife treats me like a doormat and I’m at the end of my tether

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DEAR DEIDRE: AFTER years of being treated like a doormat by my wife, I’ve hit breaking point. 

No matter what I say or do, she’s constantly giving me a hard time, and I’m not sure how much more I can take.

I’m 37 and a quiet man. My wife is 35. We have been married for six years.

I used to love her fiery side, but as time has passed, she’s turned mean and bitter.

These days, no matter what I do, she is constantly giving me agro. Whether I’ve left a dish in the sink for too long or put the volume a notch too high on the TV, there’s constantly an issue.

Every day she erupts over the smallest of things and constantly takes her anger out on me. I can’t remember the last time we spent time together, without her shouting at me for something.

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I’m always walking on eggshells around her, worrying about what I may do next that will trigger her. 

I’ve always let her get her own way to keep the peace but I think she sees me as weak and takes full advantage. 

Now, after years of putting up with it, I’ve had enough. 

I would love her to think of me as an equal and treat me with some respect, but every time I try to broach the subject, she throws a tantrum.

How do I get through to her?


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DEIDRE SAYS: A healthy relationship should be built on mutual respect, trust, and understanding.

While being assertive doesn’t come naturally to all of us, by not speaking up and bottling things, you’re allowing the cycle to continue.

It’s time to set some boundaries and challenge your wife on her behaviour.

If you don’t, you’re leaving yourself wide open to being walked over again.

My support pack, Standing Up For Yourself will help you to be more assertive and tell your wife how you feel.