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What makes the most impact on a customer


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In an era where the online retail market is more crowded than ever, a positive brand experience, especially during delivery, holds the key to winning over consumers, a recent report outlined.

Almost two-thirds of shoppers said that a great brand experience is more influential than traditional advertising, according to a new report from nShift.

Beyond the Box highlighted that offering a range of delivery options can boost checkout conversions by 20 per cent, showing that the right delivery choices can significantly impact sales. Furthermore, well-managed deliveries can ensure repeat business —two out of three customers said they would likely return for future purchases.

Brand reputation also benefits from having excellent delivery experiences. The vast majority (90 per cent) of consumers trust recommendations from friends — that shows satisfied customers are more likely to advocate for the brand, driving growth through word-of-mouth.

Delivery communications also present new marketing opportunities — customers are more engaged with messages about deliveries and returns, creating an opportunity to send them relevant promotions.

Convenience in delivery options is critical, especially for younger consumers. The report found that 25- to 34-year-olds are the most likely to abandon online shopping carts because of inconvenient delivery options. It shows the need for retailers to prioritize flexible and efficient delivery services.

“When retailers stop seeing deliveries as just a world of boxes and embrace the opportunities the delivery experience can bring, they unlock a world of potential,” said Mattias Gredenhag, chief technology officer at nShift.

He stressed the importance of integrating delivery management with customer experience, noting that logistics and e-commerce teams must collaborate effectively.

“But retailers can only take advantage of these opportunities if delivery management and the customer experience are joined-up. Logistics and ecommerce teams need to be able to collaborate effectively. The right software is crucial,” Gredenhag said.

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