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Pharmacies threatening to stop late-night opening


Pharmacies are threatening to shut on holidays and nights, it was reported on Wednesday, over issues that emerged with working hours and the failure of some pharmacies to meet the requirement.

The pharmacists expressed their intention to close outside regular working hours from October 1, when the winter working hours start, because nine pharmacies across Cyprus have been granted an interim order by the court, which essentially allows them to open as they choose.

Speaking to Reporter website, the head of the pharmaceutical association, Ploutarchos Georgiades said: “We have been waiting two years [for the court to decide on the interim order] and we are working holidays and nights, while a pharmacy next door with an interim order can open whenever it wants.”

“This is unfair,” he added.

Georgiades said that there is a decree from the health ministry on the working hours of pharmacies and the holiday and night working hours of pharmacies.

“We cannot wait for a decision from the court for some colleagues, who have not said what they want [for the holiday and night hours],” he said.

He added that the interim order is issued by the court until a decision can be made on the appeal, which has been stagnant for two years.

Georgiades said that court needs to decide.

“The ministry and the courts must understand that we are not businesses, we are health officials for the benefit of patients, a profession for people to know where to go and where to go during the hours when the [other] pharmacies are closed,” he said.