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Restaurant owner charged hundreds by credit card processing company


PERKINS, Okla. (KFOR) — A Mexican food restaurant owner in Perkins said he was charged hundreds by a credit card processing company he stopped using six years ago.

Jorge Munoz, owner of El Mexicano, said he stopped using a credit card processing company for his business in 2018, but a couple of weeks ago he realized the same company had been charging him monthly for years.

"I am baffled," said Munoz.

For five years, Munoz has been charged $9.95 a month by a credit card processing company he canceled services with.

"I assumed that everything was finished and I carry forward with a new credit card. They were charging me without providing any services," said Munoz.

Munoz said he went to his bank to see if they could stop the monthly payments.

"The bank institution says 'the best we could do is charge you that $30 to stop services' but that's just for six months," said Munoz.

Munoz's bank gave him a number for the credit card processing company to call, but he hit a dead end.

"Several numbers that I got were no longer in service," said Munoz.

News 4 called and talked with the owner.

"I'll take care of it and make it right just because that's the right thing to do. I will get you a check from 2018 for the $9.95 for every month," said the owner.

The owner told News 4 he overnighted Munoz a full refund check for the past five years and will ensure the monthly payments are completely stopped.

"Hopefully people out there will see this program and and check their statements a little better," said Munoz.

The owner of the credit card processing company sent us proof that he overnighted the check.

News 4 will check back to make sure Munoz got the check and it cleared the bank.