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Hiding Candidates Is Now SOP for Democrats


Critics of Vice President Kamala Harris and her counterfeit presidential campaign have failed to grasp what should have become obvious by now. The people who actually run the Democratic Party have changed their default strategy for winning major elections. After what they regarded as a disastrous 2016 defeat, they began shifting their focus from convincing voters to cast ballots for their candidates and instead concentrated on manipulating the electoral machinery of competitive states. This strategy relieves them of the need to run honest or coherent candidates.

Axelrod is clearly untroubled by this because he knows the Democrats don’t expect Harris to win by convincing voters.

In 2020, it allowed them to hide their presidential candidate for most of the cycle yet defeat an incumbent president who won more popular votes (74,223,975) than any sitting president in history, including Barack Obama. How did basement-bound Joe Biden manage to “win” 81,283,501 popular votes and a 306-232 Electoral College victory? Via the magic of mail-in ballots — over 58 percent of his total — and protracted post-Election Day vote counting in crucial battleground states. He also had a little help from his friends in the “shadow campaign” as Molly Ball famously described it in Time after Biden was inaugurated:

This is the inside story of the conspiracy to save the 2020 election … a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it. And they believe the public needs to understand the system’s fragility in order to ensure that democracy in America endures.

In reality, of course, these creatures have nothing but contempt for democracy. They colluded with the Democratic Party to install a cipher in the White House who could be easily controlled. And it worked so well that, in 2022, they used the same strategy to elect a Senate candidate in Pennsylvania and a gubernatorial candidate in Arizona, both of whom “won” their respective races despite remaining all but invisible. Thus, it should surprise no one that Harris has been restricted to reading one canned speech from her teleprompter and a single taped interview on CNN. This is how the Democrats intend to conduct every election. (READ MORE from David Catron: Harris Will Lose Unless Her Polls Rise Sharply)

The Media and the Democrats

None of this would be possible, of course, without the disgraceful complicity of the corporate media. MSNBC’s Luke Russert, for example, provides a typically obsequious description of Harris’ performance during the first interview she has granted since replacing Biden at the top of the Democratic presidential ticket: “Kamala Harris gave lucid and coherent answers on a variety of topics over 50 minutes. That alone sets the bar for the 2024 election.” To call this dishonest would be far too generous. Here is what Harris said when Dana Bash asked if she regretted misleading the public about President Biden’s mental fitness:

No, not at all. Not at all. I have served with President Biden for almost four years now. And I’ll tell ya it’s one of the greatest honors of my career, truly. He cares so deeply about the American people. He is so smart and — and loyal to the American people. And I have spent hours upon hours with him, be it in the Oval Office or the Situation Room. He has the intelligence, the commitment, and the judgment and disposition that I think the American people rightly deserve in their president.

The obvious follow-up question a real journalist would have asked would go something like this: “Well, if he has the intelligence, the commitment, the judgment, and disposition the American people deserve in their president, why was it necessary for you to replace him as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee?” Dana Bash simply allowed Harris to prattle on about how proud she was to serve as Biden’s vice president. Former Obama advisor David Axelrod offered the understatement of the cycle with this observation about her performance during the interview: “I don’t think she moved the ball that much forward.”

Axelrod is clearly untroubled by this because he knows the Democrats don’t expect Harris to win by convincing voters. Their election strategy in 2024 is no different than their 2020 strategy. The “well-funded cabal of powerful people” who devoted themselves to “fortifying” democracy in 2020 are likely behind the removal of Joe Biden from the top of the Democratic ticket. They’re also working to “control the flow of information” to voters. Last Friday, former labor secretary Robert Reich wrote in the Guardian that global regulators should threaten Elon Musk with arrest “if he doesn’t stop disseminating lies and hate on X.”

Elon Musk is rapidly transforming his enormous wealth — he’s the richest person in the world — into a huge source of unaccountable political power that’s now backing Trump and other authoritarians around the world … Musk owns X, formerly known as Twitter. He publicly endorsed Donald Trump last month. Before that, Musk helped form a pro-Trump super political action committee. Meanwhile, the former U.S. president has revived his presence on the X platform.

It could hardly be more obvious that the real problem here has nothing to do with unaccountable political power or authoritarianism. The issue here is that Musk, unlike old Twitter, refuses to deplatform Trump or his supporters. Even worse, he has compounded that crime by openly supporting the Bad Orange Man politically. Reich even exhumed this old chestnut: “Evidence is mounting that Russia and other foreign agents are using X to disrupt this year’s presidential race, presumably in favor of Trump. Musk has done little to stop them.” Utterly moronic conspiracy theories, like old soldiers, evidently never die. (READ MORE: The Harris Teleprompter Is Economically Illiterate)

All of which brings us back to our feckless Vice President and the people who deposed Joe Biden and promoted her to the top of the Democratic presidential ticket. Harris has almost nothing in common with her masters, but she does share one of their characteristics. There is little she won’t do to acquire power, and less that she won’t do once in possession of it. Fortunately for the nation, she doesn’t seem able to fake competence. In the end, she probably can’t hide this from the voters for 60 days. This is good news for Donald Trump.

The post Hiding Candidates Is Now SOP for Democrats appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.