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Fears around online safety & misinformation are parents’ number one back-to-school concern, survey says


FEARS around online safety and misinformation are now parents’ number one back-to-school concern.

A poll of 800 mums and dads of children aged eight to 16 found 65% claim keeping their youngster safe online is their top worry – ahead of bullying.

A study showed 91 per cent of parents are worried about giving their child a phone[/caption]

And while 25% will be giving their son or daughter a phone before the start of term, 91% feel concerned about what this might bring.

Other online safety concerns for parents include social media trolling and exposure to inappropriate content.

While scams, the influence of online challenges and trends, and online predators were also among the top worries.

The study was commissioned by Tesco Mobile, which is rolling out comprehensive training for all customer-facing colleagues, in partnership with Internet Matters.

‘Unlocking Little Digital Wins’ means trained colleagues are on hand to support parents and carers with practical advice and guidance on setting up devices safely.

It comes after 36% of parents admitted they don’t know where to turn for support around online safety ahead of their son or daughter returning to school in September.

Jonathan Taylor, CEO of Tesco Mobile, said: “Starting the new school year can be a big transition for families, and connectivity opens up a world of opportunities for children when it comes to learning, socialising and having fun.

“That’s why we have equipped our colleagues to offer a helping hand and support parents navigating their child’s introduction to the online world – especially when setting up a new device.”

The research also found 55% of those concerned about their child owning a phone for the first time believe it will expose them to a whole new world.

While 42% worry about not having any control over how their child will use it, and 23% have been influenced by the stories they hear on the news or from friends.

And 28% believe there isn’t enough support available to parents around this subject matter, with 72% saying they would like to see more.

Before giving their child a phone, 79% plan on having a conversation with their child about staying safe online.

Once they have it, 48% will be limiting the amount of time they spend on it, according to the data.

And 34% claim they will only be allowed to make calls and send messages – rather than have access to the likes of gaming apps and social media.

Ghislaine Bombusa, head of digital, Internet Matters, said: “With the ever-changing online landscape, parents need support throughout their child’s digital journey and for many families, the journey begins when buying their child a phone.

“We are pleased to have delivered online safety training to over 3,000 colleagues, equipping them with the knowledge to provide advice at point of sale.

“This means conversations with customers can go beyond merely purchasing the right device, and children’s online safety is integrated with smartphone ownership from the start.”


  1. Exposure to inappropriate content
  2. Cyberbullying 
  3. Misinformation 
  4. Exposure to online predators 
  5. Exposure to adult content 
  6. Online scams 
  7. Social media trolling 
  8. Influence of challenges and trends 
  9. Fake news 
  10. Exposure to extremist views