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How much money do professional caddies make?

For decades the job of the caddie was straightforward: carry the clubs, replace the divots, rake the sand, and clean the clubs. Give advice when asked, and keep your mouth shut otherwise. Part servant, part butler, he (and yes, it was always a “he”) was there to bolster the player and make life just a bit easier.These days, this is not necessarily the case. Pro caddies are often very close members of the golfer’s inner circle, just as likely to be a coach or a mentor to the golfer as anything else. They will read the terrain, and often read the golfer’s state of mind, before offering all of the above services as well.Professional golfers will often select a caddie from a close group of friends, possibly even a family member or coach that they have known for a while. And like any other part of the tour, professional caddies will be looking for a new employer after having been around for a while with other golfers.Annual appreciation post of Chi Chi Rodriguez and his caddie. ???? pic.twitte...