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Marxist Influences in Education | The Outlook Magazine

GETROUW, the Dutch monthly publication of the International Council of Christian Churches, in its first issue of 1979 featured J. Boelema’s extendedsummary of an important speech of Dr. A. Troost under the above title. A number of Dr. Troost’s sharp observations are as applicable to our situation as they are to that on the European continent. The substance of his talk translatedfreely from the Dutch, may interest our readers.Democratic Western Free Socialism Marxism appears in many forms, such as Maoism and Stalinism, which may bitterly oppose one another and yet have a close spiritual affinity as they have Karl Marx as their common father. Professor Troost obser ved that democratic, western free socialism, although closely related to Marxism is a more moderate and less consistent form of it. Communism regards socialism as a necessary transition stage to a communist society. Communism aims to completely rule the world and. it presses its crusade toward such a triumph by way of this soc...