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Invasive African mosquitoes discovered in Oregon for the first time


PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) -- A species of African mosquito has been found in Oregon for the first time in Jackson County.

According to the Oregon Health Authority, Aedes aegypti mosquitos were discovered during part of a routine mosquito surveillance in the county to monitor for West Nile virus and Western equine encephalitis.

Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are described as relatively small with a black-and-white pattern and OHA said they most likely originated in Africa. The mosquitoes are transported globally through trade and shipping activities.

Changing climates have allowed the Aedes aegypti mosquitos to spread to the U.S. and officials said that the species prefers warm and wet weather.

“Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are a concern in the United States because they can carry and transmit various diseases that can have serious health consequences such as Zika virus, chikungunya, dengue and yellow fever,” said Emilio DeBess, D.V.M., state public health veterinarian based at OHA’s Public Health Division.

Viruses can spread from the mosquitoes through bites and mosquitoes get infected after feeding on someone who is infected, officials said.

“The risk of these infections to local residents is low and depends on the presence or arrival of someone who is currently infected with one of these diseases after infection outside the U.S.,” DeBess said

DeBess also said that there are no reports of anyone getting sick from the mosquitoes in Oregon.

Officials said they are monitoring the situation to keep the mosquito population under control and prevent them from establishing a population.

The Aedes aegypti mosquitoes only need a quarter inch of water to complete their full life cycle so officials recommend removing standing water from yards and gardens including flowerpot saucers, tires, kiddie pools, rooted plants in water, any containers or buckets and pet water bowls.