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Guide to Writing a Good Eulogy - Funeral Partners

What is a eulogy?A eulogy, also known as a funeral speech, is a loving way for someone close to the deceased to pay their respects during the ceremony. The speech typically reflects on the life and achievements of the person who has died, paying tribute to their personality and memory.Who gives a eulogy at a funeral?Anybody can deliver a eulogy at a funeral service, but it is usually a family member – spouse, partner, child, grandchild – or close friend of the deceased.How long should a eulogy be?A good eulogy is usually between 3-5 minutes long, but can be as long as 10 minutes. This should be more than enough time to include everything you want to say about your loved one, but not so long that you risk losing people’s attention.Types of eulogyEulogies are very unique. They will depend not only on the person who has died, but also the person writing the speech. There are lots of types of eulogy but these are considered the most common:Sentimental – If you were close with the person wh...