News in English

You Respect Yourself More


Prince Rogers Nelson: When you hear something constantly, you can get swayed by the current.

Paul Minton: To continue the analogy, wheels can go a lot of different places.

Nelson: That’s my dream.

Minton: No travel, practicing the trumpet, walking the dog, cooking and eating great food.

Nelson: You approach life differently. You eat differently. You respect yourself more.


Minton: Then there was the time I was completely buried in a hole in a field unheard and forgotten.

Nelson: This is where you live now. [both laugh]

Minton: It’s not as depressing as I thought it would be.

Nelson: It’s like listening to a color and believing that these colors have soul mates and once you get them all together the painting is complete.

Minton: It might go well with what comes next or what went before and with what somebody else could be doing at the same time.


Nelson: What people have to realize is that if one has a firm belief in God and the spirit then one does not make statements that are negative and untrue.

Minton: I used to like to have a joint and a ‘pint of the best, sir’ but since I stopped smoking nicotine, just one puff of a pipe and a glass of wine to relax the chops are welcome if available.

Nelson: I don’t want to seem cosmic or anything, but it really seems magical because in this band I was looking for a group of four vegetarians.

Minton: They explained that when they have to present theories and data vocally, they have more credibility using a monotone delivery.

Nelson: Some will hit and some won’t, but hey, we have the time.