Pool Problems On The Prince Islands – OpEd
In recent years, there has been a growing trend of installing swimming pools in the gardens of private homes on the Prince Islands. While this is often seen as a symbol of luxury and aesthetic living, it also brings with it a host of significant environmental, structural, and safety concerns. Particularly, pools built without proper planning and maintenance can have detrimental effects on the natural and structural balance of the islands.
For example, in the Maden district of Prinkipo (Büyükada), a neighbor of a friend had a large pool constructed behind their house. However, this pool was left filled during the winter, and the water eventually froze into a massive block of ice due to the cold weather. This added weight caused the foundation of the house to shift, increasing the risk of structural damage. This situation serves as a stark example of the potential dangers that can arise when pools are not properly managed.
Additionally, in the Kadıyoran district of Prinkipo, there is another pool that reaches a depth of four meters, yet it lacks an adequate cleaning and maintenance system. The failure to regularly clean the pool necessitates the constant addition of fresh water, leading to significant water wastage. Considering the limited water resources in Istanbul, such waste presents a major environmental issue.
The environmental impact of pools on the islands should not be overlooked. Particularly in higher areas where pools are filled with municipal drinking water, there is a strain on water resources, which also threatens the ecological balance of the islands. It is therefore recommended that pools be filled only at the beginning of the season, maintained with proper circulation and filtration systems, and that only minimal amounts of water be added to compensate for evaporation.
The location of pools is also crucial. For instance, pools near the coast that are filled with filtered seawater tend to pose fewer problems, while those in higher elevations that rely on municipal water can contribute to the depletion of water resources. Additionally, leaving pools empty during the winter is suggested as the safest method to prevent structural issues caused by freezing.
It is imperative that pool owners on the islands act more responsibly to avoid negatively impacting both their own homes and the surrounding environment. The conservation of water resources, ensuring structural safety, and maintaining environmental balance are not only individual responsibilities but also communal obligations. By adopting this mindset, the natural beauty of the islands can be preserved, and a more sustainable lifestyle can be embraced.