Meet the Founder | 600 Million Dogs | Alex Pacheco
From an early age, Pacheco wasoutraged by social injustice, and very motivated to fight against it.He grew up in the Midwest,watching the Vietnam War ontelevision and becomingpassionate about defendingdemocracy against communism.Too young to enlist andin high school, he wroteto the CIA asking if hecould become an agent.They wrote back saying he wastoo young anddon’t call us,we’ll call you.He then applied to the FBIand was accepted to workat FBI headquartersin Washington, D.C.Just days before leaving forWashington, he was talkedout of it by his two mentors,Father Thomas and martial artsexpert Steve Adams.It was the year ofThe Concertfor Bangladesh, and theyconvinced him to insteadpursue his other passion:helping impoverished children.Accordingly, he enrolled in theScholastic Program forEcclesiastical Studentsand for the next yearstudied to become a priestwhile living with three priestsand seven brothers.After ayear in the EcclesiasticalProgram, he took abehind-the-scenes tour...