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Trump: If Jesus Counted Votes In California He Would Win


Trump was interviewed by Dr. Phil and launched into voter fraud conspiracies that rival Mike Lindell's insane ramblings.

Trump whined that Democrats rig the entire voting system and then cited a religious icon that he knows nothing about who would come to his aid.

It's sociopathic.

TRUMP: Democrats play a different game, and you have ballot harvesting, but you also have people getting ballots. I mean in California you have people getting seven ballots.

If Jesus came down and was the vote counter, I would win California, okay?

If we had an honest vote counter, I would win California.

DR. PHIL: You think so?

TRUMP: Oh, I think so.

I do.

I see it.

I go around California, and they have Trump signs all over the place.

It's a very dishonest.

Everything is mail-in.

They send out 38 million ballots.

I think it is around 36, 38 million ballots they send them.

Dr. Phil plays the fool as usual.

Demented Donald, looking at Trump signs in California, somehow believes that's an actual vote counter. Madness.

In 2020, California did not send out 38 million ballots. Because of COVID, the actual number is less than half that. 15,423,301. The state has over 22 million registered voters with a population of 39.03 million in 2022.

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