Child, 11, becomes UK’s youngest ‘rioter’ as he’s arrested along with 13 others over carnage
AN 11-year-old has become the youngest suspected rioter after being arrested over disorder in Middlesbrough.
The child is among 14 people detained by Cleveland Police after riots broke out in the town on Sunday, August 4.
It comes after cops carried out a series of raids aimed at detaining people involved in the violent scenes.
A spokesman for the force said: “Teams of officers headed out this morning to target those believed to be involved in the disorder.”
They added: “The ages of those arrested were between 11-years-old and 43-years-old.
“We will provide a full update on today’s activity, tomorrow.”
Scenes of disorder in Middlesbrough on August 4 saw a car set alight in the street.
Footage also emerged of rioters asking drivers if they’re “white and English” before letting them pass.
The arrests come a day after Sir Keir Starmer insisted he won’t let mindless thugs run riot.
The PM also warned yobs that “crime has consequences” as he gave a major speech at the Rose Garden outside No10.
He said this summer’s carnage was worse than the 2011 riots in London.
In a major speech, Sir Keir said: “Responding to those riots was hard but dealing with the riots this summer was much harder.
“Back in 2011 I didn’t doubt that the courts could do what they needed to do.
“But this time to be honest with you, I genuinely didn’t know.
“Every day of that disorder we had to check the precise number of prison places and where those places were, to make sure we could arrest, charge and prosecute people quickly.
“Those people throwing rocks, torching cars, making threats, they didn’t just know the system was broken.
“They were betting on it, gaming it. They thought ‘they’ll never arrest me, and if they do I won’t be prosecuted’.
“Now they’re leaning that crime has consequences, I won’t tolerate a breakdown in law and order.”
The PM blasted “despicable” thugs for “exploiting grieving families” after three girls were killed at a dance class in Southport.