Where Is The Trump Campaign Money Going?
Donald Trump’s presidential campaign raised less than half as much as Kamala Harris' campaign during the month of July—and Harris didn’t even enter the race until July 21. That’s an astounding comparison, but there’s something even stranger lurking behind those numbers.
Trump’s fundraising for July was actually up compared to previous months, driven mostly by a burst of donations that came in after a failed assassination attempt on July 13. Even so, the total of $138.7 million raised by the Trump campaign was dwarfed by the $310 million Harris collected in barely over a week.
An amazing 94% of the money Harris collected reportedly came in donations smaller than $200, with two-thirds of the money coming from first-time donors. In comparison, Trump’s July Federal Elections Commission filing showed less than $7.5 million coming in the form of small donations. This makes it seem as if, even during a month where Trump was screaming about “taking a bullet for the country,” his MAGA well was going dry.