Fair play to Saber - Space Marine 2’s roadmap has all the juicy bits for free, although sprucing up your blueberry mates will cost you
Exterminatus. Exterminatus. You’re all exterminatused. None of you are free of sin. Except, maybe Focus Interactive are actually? While it would be a monumentally silly heel turn to go back on their promise of only charging Space Marine 2 players extra for cosmetics a mere week and change before the shooter’s September 9 release date, the new year one roadmap does at least look piously forthright.
Chatting to James at Gamescom recently (possibly from his cathedral ship made out of graphics cards), Saber boss Tim Willits dragged out an armoured horse and proceeded to flog it mercilessly, saying that players don’t want to be sold the equivalent of Oblivion's infamous deadbeat daddy of DLCs. As several of you identified, this seemed like an odd comparison when Spice Maureen 2 specifically plans to charge for comparable cosmetics, although I imagine Willits was referencing the “packs” that his space game’s baubles come in. “Our fans never thought we ripped them off in World War Z,” he said, comparing Space Marine 2’s optional spendables to that game.
Whether you see the cosmetic's pricing as egregious or not, yesterday’s roadmap does look to make good on Saber’s promise to keep wearables and playables separate. Here’s it: