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Adjust weekly gear and tome limits from per player to per role.

Printable ViewShow 40 post(s) from this thread on one page08-02-2024, 03:50 AMDraminicusAdjust weekly gear and tome limits from per player to per role.Arr launched with I believe 10 available jobs at max level, and we are now up to ...21?Why are we still only permitted to fully gear one of them at a time?If you are after savage content, once you choose that first piece of gear you are more or less locked into that specific class. "Grabbed that striking gear for your monk? well, you can swap to samurai if you want. Oh! there was a change in the lineup of your static, and your tank had to drop. you can swap to tank if you want, but you're starting over." I have to rely on pugs for ex / savage. In general I can fill whatever role to assist in finding a group. Why can I only gear one? While restrictions need to be in place to prevent some people from getting all the gear in the first week or 2 then saying "we have no content" Could we at least adjust limits to be, "per major role" over "pe...