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Jen Psaki Forced to Face Harsh Reality as Don Lemon Drops a Truth Bomb: No One Knows Kamala Harris, and Black Voters Side with Trump!

Credit: Inside with Jen Psaki

Leftist commentator Don Lemon joined Jen Psaki on her show Inside with Jen Psaki and delivered a reality check that made it hard for Psaki to swallow.

While the show was packed with the usual anti-Trump rhetoric, Lemon’s candid assessment of Kamala Harris and the political landscape caught Psaki off guard.

The segment began with the same tired narrative: Trump is supposedly “afraid” to debate Kamala Harris.

“I do want to start tonight with the debate over the debate that we watched play out today because I think it tells us a whole lot about the state of the presidential race right now,” said Psaki.

“I mean, it all started late last night when Donald Trump suggested he may skip the scheduled September 10th ABC News debate. Yep, if you’re keeping track here, that’s the one he already agreed to, then tried to back out of, then agreed to again. This time, he cooked up a new grievance against ABC News as an excuse to weasel out of it, writing in a lengthy post…”

But let’s get real—Kamala has barely conducted any meaningful press interviews.

Why? Because everyone knows she struggles to make coherent arguments when she’s not reading from a script. The idea that Trump would fear a debate with Harris is laughable, especially considering her lackluster track record in public speaking.

As Harris gears up for the upcoming ABC debate on September 10, her campaign is trying to rewrite the rules.

Jason Miller, the spokesperson for the Trump campaign, reported that Harris is demanding a seated format and, astonishingly, permission to use a “cheat sheet” during the live event.

This last-minute scramble reveals the true nature of the Harris campaign—one that is unprepared and desperate to avoid a head-to-head confrontation with Trump.

“Enough with the games. We accepted the ABC debate under the exact same terms as the CNN debate,” Miller said.

He went on to expose the Harris camp’s backtracking on previously agreed rules, saying, “If Kamala Harris isn’t smart enough to repeat the messaging points her handlers want her to memorize, that’s their problem.”

“This seems to be a pattern for the Harris campaign. They won’t allow Harris to do interviews, they won’t allow her to do press conferences, and now they want to give her a cheat-sheet for the debate. My guess is that they’re looking for a way to get out of any debate with President Trump.”

But the real bombshell during the interview came when Psaki asked Lemon about his interviews across the country. Expecting a glowing review of Harris, Psaki was instead met with a harsh dose of reality.

Lemon revealed that in places like Pittsburgh, the Jersey Shore, and Ohio, most people had no idea who Kamala Harris even was. He then dropped a truth bomb that likely left Psaki reeling.

Jen Psaki: “What did they think about Harris?”

Don Lemon: “They did… listen, um… it depends on where you are. We went to a number of different battleground states: Pennsylvania, Ohio. We were in Michigan, Indiana, on our way, obviously, to Illinois, on our way to Chicago. It depended on where you were.

Pennsylvania—well, I shouldn’t say Pennsylvania, I should say Philadelphia—was a bit more liberal, and the answers to the questions about her and him were quite different. But for the most part, in Pittsburgh or at the Jersey Shore and Atlantic City, in Ohio especially, many people did not know who she was; they weren’t familiar with her. I think she has to reintroduce herself to the public. But for him, I think that they thought he’s better for the economy and that, again, he brought money into the community or that he was on black people’s side.”


The post Jen Psaki Forced to Face Harsh Reality as Don Lemon Drops a Truth Bomb: No One Knows Kamala Harris, and Black Voters Side with Trump! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.