News in English

Ankle to knee high at the magnets


Hello Friends,
A nice sunny day coming up for Tuesday along the beaches. Wind was WNW at 9-11 kts as of 0700. An hour earlier the MHL buoy was detecting 1.3 metres of 10 second south swell. That should translate into mostly ankle to knee high waves with very occasional sets pushing into the waist-ish plus range at the optimally aligned locations. Water is currently 18 and the Bureau tells us that today should see our average November temperature while tomorrow and Friday-Sunday will be typical of what we’ve historically seen in mid-summer.
Surfwise it looks from the Bureaus’s forecast and the swell models as though tomorrow will be tiny and windy, but we might have a little uptick at south magnets on Thursday. Beyond that currently is shaping to be, how shall we say… uninteresting.
Get out there and enjoy the day!

Weather Situation
Winds this week will mostly be fresh to strong west to northwesterly over the southern and central waters, and north to northwesterly over the northern waters, as a series of cold fronts cross the state. These winds will ease and become variable for brief periods this week with ridges of high pressure between the passage of each front.
Forecast for Tuesday until midnight

Wednesday 28 August
Strong Wind Warning for Wednesday for Sydney Coast

Thursday 29 August