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The Bachelorette Season 21 Episode 8 Recap: Is Anyone Even Ready to Propose?

Devin forgot what show he signed up for. Jonathon is just happy to be there, and Marcus is perpetually confused. And …

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Devin forgot what show he signed up for. Jonathon is just happy to be there, and Marcus is perpetually confused.

And that’s what you missed on Glee The Bachelorette.

Overnights, as usual, bring some revelations, sexy times, and, for one man, a bit of a meltdown. Let’s get to it!

(Disney/John Fleenor)

This season flew by. How are we already at the end when I vividly remember Hakeem getting all these balloons stuck in that tree like it was yesterday?

Anyway, the DRAMATIC overnight episode begins like all others before, with a look into the end of the two hours, with Devin going through it.

Now we know the overnights must not go as he wanted and that he has to wait until later to find out why. I’m intrigued and annoyed, so you won, ABC!

The Hawaii tourism ad is gorgeous, and then Molly shows up for a free vacation to chat with Jenn about the importance of these dates and how she’s feeling.

At this point, the men are in unique categories, all different from one another, and she’s not saying anything groundbreaking here.

It’s basically that Devin is too good to be true, while Jonathon still isn’t opening up enough, and she likes Marcus more than he likes her. Dilemmas, dilemmas, dilemmas.

(Disney/John Fleenor)

Devin and Jenn are up first, and it’s time for the 383002th helicopter ride of the season. In taking them around the world earlier than in the past, the tradeoff was only having the budget for helicopter rides and packed lunches.

Everything about the day portion of Jenn and Devin’s date is sweet because you can tell they have a genuine connection, and he’s head over heels for her. But this is one of the first times you can tell Jenn likes this man but isn’t all the way in.

I think everyone can relate to Jenn about not wanting to self-sabotage and accepting a good thing for what it is, but it’s much easier advice to give to someone else.

It’s difficult for me to hear Jenn flat-out say she’s not in love with Devin, so I can’t even imagine what Devin feels when he says he loves her again and is met with crickets on crickets.

If I told someone I loved them and they said they were trying to get there, oh brother, my therapist would be having a TIME.

The dinner portion of the date is much of the same, and I feel for Devin because he is obviously ready for this whole thing to be over so he can hang with his dog, go running with his friends, and be with Jenn.

(Disney/John Fleenor)

It’s a lovely sentiment, but it also feels like Devin has forgotten he’s on The Bachelorette and he’s competing for someone. And it’s a competition with a finite end date. You won’t win it and be informed during overnights.

This is television, bruh, and they’ve got more hours to produce.

Devin says yes to the overnight, and the two do indeed spend the night, with the following day bringing a Pete Davidson joke. And I’m sorry, since when is Devin being compared to Pete Davidson?

I don’t see it at all and feel like I’m not in on the joke.

Perhaps the most awkward moment of this whole date comes when Devin tells Jenn he loves her AGAIN as they leave one another, and all she says is OKAY.

Jenn can only feel what she feels and be true to herself, but oh my god! My therapist would hate me if I were Devin.

(Disney/Ricky Middlesworth)

Devin looks so forlorn when it’s all over, and I’m as sad as Devin when Jenn leaves, and he has more time to think about being stuck in Hawaii, knowing his girl doesn’t love him.

Alas, we move on to Jenn and Jonathon. And here’s the thing with these two; I don’t see it.

I’m pretty sure Jenn doesn’t see it either, but there must be three now. Thems the rules!

The two eat some, which Jonathon clearly does not appreciate, and then it’s time for the packed lunch by the waterfall. Jonathon says all the right things about wanting to be a slice of happiness for her, but what else does he want?

I don’t know, and clearly, neither does Jenn.

You can’t be talking about the potential of a relationship at this point while expecting someone to propose.

(Disney/John Fleenor)

The dinner date gives Jenn and Jonathon time to talk about their childhoods, embracing the cultures, and what life could be like with their hypothetical kids. Jonathon sees a future, but does he want a future with Jenn?

I asked the magic 8 ball, and it said, ‘very doubtful.’

Jonathon accepts the invitation to spend the night, and the next morning, they look like they had a good time. There’s talk about their potential again, and I’m tuning it out because maybe these two would have a chance if the show were two months longer, but it’s not, and he isn’t proposing.

Before we get to Marcus, we get an intense Devin interlude where he discusses not feeling like he’s number one with Jenn and oof. It’s like he’s foreshadowing everything (sick job, production) because as soon as we get the lead-up to Jenn’s date with Marcus, she says the one thing Devin is understandably terrified of!

Oh, I cringed when Jenn says she’s in love with Marcus, if only because I, and all of America, know he is not there yet. And he makes a point of saying it through tears as often as possible.

He’s waltzing into their date with uncertainty. She’s walking into it in love.

(Disney/John Fleenor)

Devin is somewhere walking with a camera crew, contemplating his current life situation under the backdrop of a Hawaii sunset.

Jenn and Marcus get the best date, a boat ride and then swimming with Manta Rays at night. They are flirty and happy, which signals that the dinner portion will be anything but.

Marcus is nervous because of the last rose ceremony, and it is finally dawning on him that this whole thing is supposed to end with two people in love and ready to plan a wedding.

It’s almost like you can see that realization hitting him when he’s sitting at that table.

He drops that dreaded potential word again, and I wanted to fast forward so badly, but if I did that, I couldn’t write this, and I know you’re thrilled I kept listening.

Jenn seems shocked by Marcus admitting he’s not in love with her, and I won’t lie, I’m not sure why. At every turn, he seems to shy away from getting too deep about his feelings, and nothing has changed for them between hometowns and now.

(Disney/John Fleenor)

Marcus and Jonathon feel like they’re at the same place with Jenn currently, but the only difference is that Jenn likes Marcus more.

I wasn’t sure if these two would end up spending the night together, but they do, and the following day, Marcus talks about their night being magical or whatever. But I will be continually stuck on him saying he wants to remain hopeful he can fall in love with Jenn.

Just typing that out sent a full-body chill down my spine.

We should be getting to the rose ceremony, but that ain’t happening because we haven’t even seen Devin’s struggles from earlier, so we get him talking to Jesse and expressing his feelings.

And it feels like a classic moment we’ve seen repeatedly in The Bachelor franchise.

Devin feels like he’s giving and giving, and he does not feel the love in return. So, how will he feel comfortable proposing when he feels like he’s the only one putting his heart on the line?

(Disney/John Fleenor)

This is the first time all season I’m desperate to see what comes next!

Devin won’t leave (I’d bet my Chevy Trax on it), but what will Jenn say to make him stay?

Will she tell him she’s in love with Marcus?

There are so many questions about this Devin situation, but we’ll get answers tomorrow during the Men Tell All, so let’s count our blessings!

Hit me up in the comments with your thoughts!

You can watch The Bachelorette on Mondays at 8/7c on ABC.

The post The Bachelorette Season 21 Episode 8 Recap: Is Anyone Even Ready to Propose? appeared first on TV Fanatic.