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Carrying Capacity Calculator - Calculator Academy

Enter the population size, rate of increase of population, and the total change in population over the time period to determine the carrying capacity. Population Growth CalculatorPopulation Density CalculatorDecay Constant CalculatorPopulation Proportion CalculatorCarrying Capacity FormulaThe following formula is used to calculate a carrying capacity.K = r * N * (1-N) / CPWhere K is the carrying capacityr is the rate of population increaseN is the population sizeCP is the change in population sizeTo calculate a carrying capacity, multiply the rate of population increase, by the size, then again by 1 minus the size, then finally divide by the change in size.Carrying Capacity DefinitionA carrying capacity is defined as a constant that explains how a population grows within a certain area. Carrying Capacity ExampleHow to calculate a carrying capacity? The first step in calculating a carrying capacity is to determine the rate of population increase. In this example problem, the rate of pop...