MAGA Boot Licker Gets Laughed At Live On TV!
Read the national mood, Scotty boy. Pay attention to the joy!
Here's former Rep. Scott Taylor (R-Va) who, oddly enough, shares the same actual birth name as famed activist Vermin Supreme. He appears with Erin Burnett on CNN and bloviates that he saw Kamala Harris at the NAACP national convention in Baltimore back in 2018. He said he heard buzz that she was the female Obama, and wanted to check her out. He says it was "horrible." That she fell flat, "the audience didn't connect with her at all."
And from that, he concludes that in a couple of week, all the air will go out of her balloon and "she's going nowhere in this presidential race." Really, Scotty. You don't say!
Democratic strategist Aisha Mills snickered, trying to contain her mirth. She said it was comical, how many Republican operatives claim to have wondered about Harris early on and how they all know she's no big deal.
"The energy for the next 83 days is not going to dissipate," she said.
Poor Scott. Just another MAGA loser with nothing to show for it but a big fat L.
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