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Formulas: ThisRecord, As, and Sequence - Microsoft Power Platform Blog

Happy Monday! It’s a great day for ForAll!You can now refer to the whole record inForAll and other record scope functions with ThisRecord. You can even name that record with the As operator, allowing you to clarify formulas and work with all the records in nested ForAll and Gallery controls. And finally, we’ve added Excel’sSequence function to generate a table containing a sequence of numbers, perfect for iterating a specific number of times withForAll.All of this is available with version 3.20065 or later. There is a bug fix required to do the chessboard example with galleries that is coming in 3.20072. Full documentation is being reviewed and will be posted shortly.Have you tried to use Patchor Collect within a ForAll? You quickly realize that while all the fields of the current record are readily available, the record itself is not and you need the record for Patch and other operations.What is missing is the equivalent of the Gallery control’s ThisItem. And that is what we have adde...