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Incoming salmon! Hints come across southern Lake Michigan


Signs came Friday of incoming salmon across southern Lake Michigan from Chicago to Indiana. That despite all the warm water piled up on the southern end of the lake.

This morning, Stacey Greene-Fenlon of Park Bait at Montrose Harbor texted:

Well Joe is getting it started. This was early this morning.

Then she sent a photo of Joe with an early king with the late night skyline of downtown Chicago in the background. And she added:

I know you get a smile when you see this.

She's right about that. I was worried about all the warm water piled up on our end of the lake.

Then a couple hours later, Indiana's Lake Michigan fisheries biologist Ben Dickinson posted photos on Facebook and this:

Creeks really cooled off, and a few early coho and kings have shown up, despite warm nearshore water. And a slob brown!

Winds coming from southerly directions the next couple days should help with the piled up warm water. Though it would be even better if it was a good blow of 35 mph from southwest

I should start digging through my fall salmon gear to see what shape things are.