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Trump To Host Jan. 6 ‘Awards Gala’ Next Month


Donald Trump’s New Jersey golf club is hosting a “J6 Awards Gala” early next month. The felonious insurrectionist, Rudy Giuliani and Vivek Ramaswamy are invited speakers to the event originally scheduled for earlier this month, now re-scheduled for September 5th.

MeidasTouch News has more:

Attendees have a chance to win a plaque commemorating the fact that MAGA folks bought a bunch of copies of his J6 "song" called Justice for All earning him a fleeting spot on the Billboard music chart.

That song takes audio of Trump reciting the pledge of allegiance and mixes it in with J6 defendants singing the national anthem, alternating between lines. Attendees at Trump's events often struggle to sing and recite along.

Event description: "We gather to pay tribute not only to these individuals but to all J6 defendants who have shown incredible courage and sacrifice."

We don’t know if Trump will show up at this event but it’s a safe bet that a nice chunk of whatever money is raised will go into his pocket. MeidasTouch notes that the original flier listed ticket prices starting at $2,500 for an individual and go up to $50,000 for a “VIP Platinum Table of 12,” which includes a speaker at the table.

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