News in English

Horse Sport Ireland announce landmark publication to support next generation parentage verification in sport horses using leading edge DNA technology

Horse Sport Ireland announce landmark publication to support next generation parentage verification in sport horses using leading edge DNA technology Horse Sport Ireland and Teagasc were joined by Minister of State for the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Dr. Pippa Hackett to announce the publication of a method to accurately predict the DNA of stallions using the DNA of their offspring along with the dams of those offspring. This landmark publication is a significant step towards transitioning from traditional microsatellite markers based on tens of DNA markers to more precise and modern parentage verification using thousands of DNA markers– these new DNA markers are called single nucleotide polymorphisms and (SNP) are state of the art. Moreover, these DNA markers enable parentage discovery as well as verification. DNA information from over 13,000 horses was analysed in the study. The hypothesis of the Irish team of globally renowned geneticists was […]