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'His own worst enemy': 'Discombobulated' Trump said to be proving Harris' attack line


Republicans have been begging Donald Trump to stick to the issues instead of personally attacking Kamala Harris, but CNN's Maria Cardona said the former president will only prove Kamala Harris' most devastating attack.

CNN conservative Shermichael Singleton conceded that Harris had delivered an effective speech introducing herself to voters, but he insisted the former president still had an opportunity to turn things around after the vice president took over the campaign from president Joe Biden.

"Republicans need to get this stuff together, because the messaging just isn't sticking," Singleton said. "The momentum is obviously shifting to the vice president, the former president needs to figure out a way to shift things back to himself. I think he has an opportunity."

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"If I were advising them, I would say focus and hone in on those points [about the economy]," he added. "You're probably not going to defeat the cultural phenomenon that we're seeing, but maybe on the policy front, you can distinguish yourself there."

Cardona argued that Trump was incapable of that and would only prove Harris' point that he was a fundamentally "unserious man."

"He becomes his own worst enemy when he gets into his own head, and he literally has meltdowns, right?" said Cardona, a Democratic strategist. "He's completely discombobulated with a completely new version of this campaign that they were not expecting, and he has absolutely no idea how to run against."

"You know, my dear friend Shermichael and Scott Jennings and David Urban and all of them can say until they're blue the face that Donald Trump should talk about policy," she added. "But Donald Trump cannot just talk about policy, that's not who he is. That's never been who he is, which is why what Kamala Harris said last night rings so true to, frankly, the vast majority of Americans out there who are thinking, 'Yeah, he absolutely he is unserious.'"

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