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How to Make the Best Chicken Sandwich

- Advertisement -New Zealanders have long had a love affair with party style chicken sandwiches and I am almost thinking that we can call them our own. By using the term “party style” I am meaning the type of elegant chicken sandwich that is produced at cocktail parties as opposed to the one that is packed into a lunch box.The bread – sandwichsliced bread is, I think, unanimous. The choice then lies between white, wheatmeal and multigrain with white coming out as a top choice. Freshness is most important, with two friends saying that they will only buy bread on the day required and always from the bottom shelf in the supermarket bread aisle, as that is where the freshest bread is. They check the expiry date.The butter –most would agree that chicken sandwiches benefit from a thin spread of butter, this seals in the filling and prevents the bread from absorbing moisture and becoming soggy.The chicken –probably the best chicken sandwiches are made from a roasted/rotisserie chicken where t...