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Home | The Gut Health Doctor

The trillions of microbes, including bacteria, in your gut impact your health and happiness.Whether tackling a gut issue, bloating, immunity, energy, mood, skin, hormones, a chronic condition or how to reach a happy weight — The Gut Health Doctor can help. Start your journey The go-to gut health and nutrition expertAs an award-winning gut health scientist and registered dietitian, Dr Megan Rossi (PhD, RD) founded The Gut Health Doctor to empower everyone to take control of their own health and wellbeing.From providing personalised support viaThe Gut Health Clinic, supportingworkplace wellbeingand helping people master burdensome bloating via a specialistBloating Masterclass,we strive to support everyone with their gut health.We can also help you start your own gut transformation using the latest scientific research, translated into gut-boosting recipes, practical strategies, evidence-backed books and personalised support, we want to help you start your own gut transformation.About Dr M...