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Power and toughness are characteristics unique to creatures in all Magic zones.[1][2] Colloquially they are known as statistics (stats), or size, the latter being referred to in the reminder text for Prototype[3].Contents1 Description1.1 Power1.2 Toughness2 Base values and modifiers2.1 Base power and toughness2.2 Variable values2.3 Negative value2.4 Combined value2.5 Enhancement2.6 Reduction2.7 Alteration3 Set-specific variations4 Rules5 ReferencesDescription[ | ]The values for power and toughness are denoted by a pair of numbers in the lower right corner of a creature card. A creature with higher power than toughness is considered offensive or aggressive. A creature with the same power and toughness is considered balanced, or "square." A creature with lower power than its toughness is considered defensive.Power[ | ]Power is the first number printed before the slash on the lower right-hand corner of creature cards. This is the amount of damage it deals in combat to the opposing creatur...