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Buffalo VA director, chief of staff 'immediately transferred' out of positions


BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) -- The Buffalo VA Medical Center's healthcare system director and chief of staff have been "immediately transferred" out of their positions pending the results of an investigation, a VA spokesperson said.

The VA said the transfer follows "concerns raised by clinicians about local leadership and instances of delayed care."

Healthcare System Director Michael Swartz had been in his position since July 2018, according to the VA's website, and Philippe Jaoude took the position of chief of staff in January 2021.

In a letter to VA Secretary Denis McDonough, Republican Congressman Nick Langworthy called for action and transparency following reports of "potential mismanagement."

“This situation is unacceptable, and we owe it to our veterans to get to the bottom of it," Langworthy said in a statement. "It is imperative that the VA conducts a thorough and transparent review of this matter, cooperates fully with the Committee’s investigation, and takes immediate corrective action where necessary.”

In the letter, he discussed reports to the House Veterans Affairs Committee that said local veterans may have experienced delays in receiving cancer treatments due to "administrative failures."

"We proactively informed Congress of this matter, and we will continue to keep Congress – and local Veterans – apprised on this issue every step of the way," said Terrence Hayes, the VA press secretary.

The investigation is ongoing and the VA cannot comment further at this time, Hayes said.

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Katie Skoog joined the News 4 team in April 2024. She is a graduate from the University at Buffalo. You can view more of her work here.