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Michelle Obama’s DNC Speech Wins With Fans by a Landslide: ‘Concerned for @BarackObama That He Has to Follow This’


Michelle Obama’s fiery speech at the Democratic National Convention was extremely well received by the audience inside Chicago’s United Center, and just as well regarded by fans watching at home.

The former first lady praised Vice President Kamala Harris for the “contagious power of hope” that she has brought to this election cycle and contrasted it with that of Trump’s “whining” and “complaining.”

One thing people picked up on was the differences between Obama’s remarks Tuesday and her 2016 message, “When they go low, we go high.” Suffice to say, they were happy to see her apparently distancing herself from that earlier slogan in favor of something more combative.

Fans also celebrated when she mocked Trump’s infamous “black jobs” comment from earlier this year, when she joked, “Who is going to tell him that the job that he is currently seeking might just be one of those ‘Black jobs’?”

The 44th President of the United States followed up his wife’s rousing speech saying, “I’m feeling fired up! I’m feeling ready to go – even if I’m the only person stupid enough to speak after Michelle Obama.”

Fans online also caught a slight of hand and implied innuendo when referencing the former Republican president and his obsession with crowd sizes.

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The post Michelle Obama’s DNC Speech Wins With Fans by a Landslide: ‘Concerned for @BarackObama That He Has to Follow This’ appeared first on TheWrap.