News in English

Updated Presentation of our Stats from Minor Leagues, NPB, KBO, College & More


Exciting news! We've updated the sections of Baseball Reference devoted to leagues beyond the majors! In case you didn't know, we have extensive coverage (both historic and current) of many leagues from around the world, including Japan's NPB and Korea's KBO, as well as non-major league American baseball institutions like college and the minors.

This update makes the home pages for these leagues look similar to the Baseball Reference front page. For instance, here's what our NPB section looks like now.

New front pages are available for

  1. MiLB
  2. NCAA Baseball
  3. Cuban Baseball League
  4. NPB (Japan)
  5. KBO (Korea)
  6. Mexican League
  7. Winter Leagues
  8. Historic Black Baseball Leagues
  9. Independent Leagues

Thanks to our 2024 summer interns Anzhuo Wang and Clare O'Dwyer for their work on adding these! We hope this helps you enjoy following baseball beyond the AL and NL!