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Students can now apply for Abbeville's first youth council


ABBEVILLE, La. (KLFY) -- Students that live within the city limits of Abbeville have a chance to help shape the future by joining the first-ever Mayor's Youth Council.

The youth council is a project that Abbeville Mayor Roslyn White envisioned when she was elected into office. Two years later, her vision is coming to life.

Coeyn Wise, Kaplan High senior and City Hall intern, said the youth project aims to have teenagers involved in city government activities.

“Whenever we look at the youth today, we see a lot of gamers, people who stay inside, people who don't really go out. And then you also see people who get involved with the wrong side of the tracks, like drugs and gang violence and things like that and I feel like the youth council is a very important way to get the youth involved in a positive group setting. And there's nothing more positive than working with government,” Wise said.

“We’re going to be the leaders of tomorrow. So if we can start now with a youth council and get involved with our city, who knows what we could do later," he continued.

The Mayor's Student Council is open to students currently enrolled in grades 8-12 and attend Abbeville High, Vermillion Catholic, Acadiana Christian, a homeschooled program, or registered in an accredited high school program.

Student council members will be required to attend an induction ceremony at City Hall, complete a minimum of 12 community service hours per year, attend youth council meetings, and attend at least one city council meeting during the school year.

Wise said it is important to get youth involved, especially in a city like Abbeville, which is the parish seat of Vermilion Parish.

"It is where everything is. The courthouse is here. All of the important government offices are here in Abbeville," Wise said.

"Whenever students start getting involved and preparing themselves to lead in the future, we're setting ourselves up for success and that's the type of blueprint and that's the type of legacy that this council is going to leave behind," he said.

Applications for the 2024-2025 student council are open. The deadline to apply is Sept. 13.

Print off a copy of the form from HERE or pick up an application at City Hall or your school. Each application must include one letter of recommendation from someone such as a teacher, pastor, coach or community leader.

For more information, you can contact the Abbeville Mayor’s Office at 337-898-4206 or email

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