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Freaks 'R' Us


Lately, petty politicians have resorted to childish name-calling and tossing around the word “weird” in speeches to describe each other's quirks and half-assed qualities. They give weird a bad name with negative connotations to people who aren’t necessarily as weird as they claim. Dangerous idiots, guilty dolts of the highest degree of assholism. That’s not so weird as it is stupid.

Normal people can scare the shit out of any kind of weirdo. Donald Trump’s a failed reality TV star with weirdly bad hair and an orange spray-painted tan who enjoys belittling people with his witless, immature putdowns. No fewer than six failed business ventures resulted in bankruptcy, and then there's those ongoing criminal charges and investigations. He uses tactics from the WWF wrestler's playbook on how to manipulate a crowd through intimidation and villainy played by the bully race card to win over people who were once closet racists. Now they're exploited and out in the open. There’s also the bad stand-up comedian routine. He’s given voice to bigots who suddenly have a public platform to scream their vitriolic hate attacks on anyone who isn’t a white man.

They’re beyond weird—into the realm of creepy and gross. I can’t pretend that I’m anything close to normal, as I’ve always been weird. A freak like me doesn’t need help from so-called normal people. Where the hell do they get off claiming they’re not weird? It’s beyond my skillset. Being normal is a state of mind, not a lifestyle. You may seem normal and appear like you know what you’re doing is the norm in supposed reality, but you’re not fooling anyone. Not even in a polite society. I wear my weirdness as a badge of honor.

The oddball antics of eccentricity are stranger than the strangest fiction. The endless list of weirdos could also describe crazy people considered dangerous by society. Real psychopaths exhibit odd, unusual, and unconventional behavior. The root word for weirdo is just plain old weird. It could be evil or creepy. It’s all relative to whether the person you’re trying to describe actually fits the bill according to the layers and level of weirdness displayed or just takes a wild stab in the dark, weirdly empty space of craziness. There’s good weirdness and bad weirdness. Which one are you?

Once in the realm of creeps and sickos, the really weird ones have no category to place them in. It could be that most weirdo people try to hide the fact. They easily blend in with what’s considered normal, but they can’t escape being the worst weirdos, camouflaged, exposed in the light. It’s difficult to distinguish between the dangerous creepy weirdo and the harmless little weirdos who make up the majority of our society. There are many levels of weirdness that can be traced to anything or anyone that doesn’t conform to what’s considered naturally normal.

The 1960s blossomed with the coming-of-age weirdos in my post-modern generation. A wacky time fraught with unwanted never-win-forever wars, civil injustice, and social unrest. The legitimacy of hatred and mass ignorance. The acceptance of fast-changing modern technological advances and the global Cultural Revolution makes for weirdly interesting times. It was a period when the fuzzy grayish tone of the black and white world transformed into vibrant living technicolor almost overnight.

It was also a time of racial intolerance, sexual discrimination, and the rise of multiple major drug epidemics. More than all of this mess exists today, multiplied by hundreds of glaring past similarities. Just like yesteryear’s insidious insanity of political conspiracies, government corruption, greed, and murder, and the dumbing down of America. Complete and total incompetence and disinformation are the main culprits of today’s crazy weirdo offenders' legacy. Our past history mirrors and mimics present-day media events, the parroting regurgitation of modern mayhem, and social distortions that plague the current culture. To view the world and its past history of weirdness in all its glory. The unfeeling universe accumulates vast amounts of weird and strange stuff. Truly bizarre and absurd things can be terrifyingly beautiful.