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Empowering Pakistan’s Youth – OpEd


As Pakistan marks International Youth Day 2024, the theme “From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development” resonates deeply in a country where over 63% of the population is under the age of 30. This theme highlights the critical role that digital skills and technology play in shaping the future, particularly in a rapidly evolving global job market. For Pakistani youth, mastering these skills is not just an option—it’s a necessity.

The world is undergoing a digital transformation, with technologies like artificial intelligence, data analytics, and digital marketing reshaping industries and economies. For Pakistan, a nation with a burgeoning youth population, the challenge lies in harnessing this demographic advantage to drive sustainable development. The key to unlocking this potential is encouraging young Pakistanis to pursue digital skills relevant to the future job market.

Digital literacy in Pakistan has seen significant growth, especially in urban areas where internet access and smartphone usage have become commonplace. However, this growth has not been evenly distributed. Rural areas still lag behind, creating a digital divide that threatens to leave large segments of the population behind. To bridge this gap, it is essential for the government and private sector to invest in digital infrastructure and education, ensuring that all young Pakistanis have the opportunity to develop the skills they need to thrive in a digital economy.

Coding, data analysis, and digital marketing are among the most sought-after skills in today’s job market. These skills are not only critical for individual success but also for driving innovation and economic growth. By equipping young Pakistanis with these competencies, the country can build a workforce that is not only competitive globally but also capable of addressing local challenges.

The digital economy offers immense opportunities for Pakistani youth. E-commerce, freelancing, and tech startups are just a few avenues where young entrepreneurs are already making an impact. Platforms like Daraz and Upwork have opened doors to global markets, allowing young Pakistanis to break down traditional barriers and create new opportunities for themselves and their communities.

However, the benefits of digitalization extend beyond economic opportunities. The digital age has also revolutionized civic engagement, with social media platforms becoming powerful tools for advocacy and activism. In Pakistan, youth-led movements have leveraged digital tools to raise awareness on issues such as climate change, gender equality, and education reform. These efforts demonstrate the potential of digital platforms to drive social change and contribute to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Yet, the road to digital progress is not without challenges. Cybersecurity, digital inclusion, and gender equality are pressing concerns that must be addressed to ensure that digital growth is both sustainable and equitable. Initiatives that promote cybersecurity awareness, support female participation in the digital space, and provide equal access to digital tools are essential for creating a digital ecosystem that benefits all.

As Pakistan navigates the complexities of the digital age, the role of youth as agents of change cannot be overstated. By embracing digital skills and using them to drive progress, young Pakistanis have the power to shape a future that is prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable. The theme “From Clicks to Progress” is not just a slogan—it is a call to action for the youth to take control of their digital destinies and turn their clicks into meaningful contributions to society.

In conclusion, as the world continues to advance technologically, Pakistan’s youth must be encouraged to pursue digital skills that are relevant to the future job market. This is not only crucial for their individual success but also for the sustainable development of the nation. By investing in digital education and infrastructure, and by fostering an environment that supports innovation and entrepreneurship, Pakistan can unlock the full potential of its youth and secure a brighter future for all.