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Morning Joe: Republicans saw 'what they fear most' onstage at DNC


MSNBC's Joe Scarborough was blown away by the first night of the Democratic National Convention, saying they demonstrated "what Republicans feared the most."

Kamala Harris made a surprise appearance onstage Monday night and was greeted with rapturous applause, and the "Morning Joe" host felt like President Joe Biden "hit all the right notes" as he symbolically passed the torch to his vice president a month after dropping out of the race.

"I mean you look at a convention like that, you can't calculate it," Scarborough said. "You have in two Republican candidates, two guys who at least publicly, in their public persona, project misery, they're not happy. They're always looking for retribution, they're looking for people to blame, they're looking for a reason to be upset. They're looking for a reason, you know, to resent."

The Harris campaign has openly tried to project joy, and both she and her running mate Tim Walz have embraced the memes that have gathered around them while also cheerfully mocking their opponents Donald Trump and J.D. Vance, and Scarborough said the contrast between the two parties was stark.

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"You look at the Democratic National Convention and, I swear, I never thought I would see it in my lifetime," Scarborough said. "As a Republican, I thought it is just too easy to beat Democrats because they're afraid to have a good time, they're afraid to be joyful, they're afraid to wave the flag. I will tell you, what Republicans feared the most last night was the joy but also the chants of 'USA, USA, USA.'"

"Why did that ring true?" Scarborough added. "Because the Republican Party has sold itself to a man who lies about America every day and says we're a nation in decline, who lies about America every day and says we're a nation of losers, who lies about America every day and says that we are just on the verge of collapse. No, not true. The data doesn't bear it out economically, militarily, culturally, socially – in every way. This is a great country, so now the Democratic Party can cheer 'USA, USA, USA,' and it is a hell of a contrast with the presidential candidate on the Republican side that talks down about America every day on the stump."

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